Spanning multiple stories at the Doug Meijer Medical Innovation Building, life-changing cancer treatments are taking place at BAMF Health — home to the world’s most advanced PET CT scanner and dedicated radiopharmacy. The combination of advanced imaging and the radiopharmacy allows doctors to create custom radiation treatments for cancer patients that targets tumors specifically.
Rockford collaborated closely with the BAMF team to construct the space. Floors 1 and 2 house a molecular imaging clinic, theranostics clinic and radiopharmacy powered by advanced medical scanning equipment and two cyclotrons. Because the pharmaceuticals are radioactive, Rockford had to create custom isolation vaults to surround the cyclotrons and hot cell rooms where technicians can gather the created medicines safely. A custom exhaust maze and isolated construction methods were used.
BAMF’s global team conducts their operations on Floor 7 inside a modern office space that features high-end finishes and polished concrete along with a fitness area, kitchen and more.
"Our teams overcame design obstacles, global supply shortages and a pandemic to build the world’s most advanced radiopharmacy and theranostics center. We could not have completed this project without Rockford’s leadership and look forward to working together in the future."
Dr. Anthony Chang, Founder and CEO, BAMF Health
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