Hospitality – Markets | Rockford Construction


Working from preconstruction to post-occupancy, Rockford’s hospitality team is completely dedicated to the unique world of hotel rollouts. Our team collaborates with civil engineers, health department officials, designers and architects to best streamline the entire process. We also offer a procurement specialist who will leverage our more than $500 million annual project volume to achieve cost savings on equipment, materials and services, passing significant savings through to you.

Amway Tower Renovation - Unit - Rockford Construction

Rockford builds places where guests feel comfortable and operators/owners feel great about the quality and service they received throughout their project.

We’ve helped clients build new LEED-certified hotels and renovate existing hotels to meet the requirements of new flags, all while helping educate the client on best practices. From P.I.P. development and estimating to coordinating or installing FF&E, think of Rockford as your very own concierge.

Any hotel operator can tell you the secret to keeping repeat guests is to provide better service. Rockford takes this advice to heart, going the extra mile to make your project a success.