Leader in DEI: Rockford’s Dimensions Program Benefits Local Small Business | Rockford Construction

Leader in DEI: Rockford’s Dimensions Program Benefits Local Small Business


Rockford has long been committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in the construction industry throughout West Michigan. As leaders in DEI, we have established several intentional programs and initiatives that support an array of underrepresented populations, including our flagship program, Dimensions, which we launched in 2017.

Rockford’s Dimensions Program supports minority-, women-, disability- and veteran-owned commercial trade contractors through exposure to the tools and processes necessary for establishing their businesses. Participants are assigned a Rockford “navigator” who guides them through the different aspects of the construction business, including bidding, estimating, accounting, safety, business development and marketing. Participants are provided with Chamber of Commerce memberships, access to Rockford’s construction forecasting tools and support in navigating new regulations, safety protocols and access to funding. Even after “graduation,” Rockford remains actively engaged in these relationships, believing personal connections are the most effective way to drive growth and impact.


“Statistically, small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of employment and prosperity in our country and local community,” said Brad Mathis, Rockford’s senior vice president. During the program’s first year, Rockford’s total spend with Dimensions Program partners was roughly $50,000. Since then, the program has grown significantly, generating exponentially larger opportunities for program participants. In 2023, Rockford is anticipating that Dimensions participants will earn more than $5 million on Rockford projects. Even as the program evolves, it has been successful in increasing business revenue for all participants.

Lavelle Lindsay, founder of On Time Dumpster, was an early participant in the program and echoes Mathis’ assessment of small businesses having limited access to the same opportunities as larger, more established businesses. He believes small businesses are generally not included in the conversation unless there is an existing connection with a larger entity. Programs such as Dimensions significantly contribute to the inclusion of underrepresented trade contractors, and both Lindsay and Mathis hope other larger companies will adopt similar programs that help small businesses make those connections.

Lindsay first heard about Dimensions from a fellow small business owner. His colleague, who was on his way to Rockford for a program meeting that day, suggested Lindsay may also benefit from joining Dimensions. Learning more about the program, he was intrigued by the opportunity to continue to grow his business and the chance to work one-on-one with a Rockford team member. He was connected to Mathis that same day.


Since joining the Dimensions Program, Lindsay has had access to opportunities he said were resourceful and fruitful. He has found that his business has grown significantly and credits the program with providing the resources necessary to do so. From after-hours events to being on Rockford job sites, Lindsay believes the program ultimately has been advantageous.

“I’m grateful that Rockford and the founders of the Dimensions Program had the heart to care about small businesses and, more importantly, people,” he said. Lindsay appreciates the Dimensions Program and recognizes the intentionality behind Rockford’s choice in creating the program. “I hope the program carries on and helps others in the same way,” he said.

Mathis said he believes that more commitment and participation from companies will continue to allow the program to deliver assistance and opportunities to succeed. What he has found most rewarding as a mentor has been seeing small companies continue to grow, thrive and participate in the construction industry. “When we see a measurable level of growth among disadvantaged businesses and the people who work at them, it helps us all build a better community.”

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